Friday, October 1, 2010

Meanwhile, the how could this be? question continues to suggest others throughout the play. Who really is using whom? Did Gallimard really not know—or was the fantasy more important than the reality? And who really is the Butterfly? Director Michael Thomas points out that in French, the initial M. (as in M. Butterfly) would mean “Monsieur.” The play’s title would then translate as “Mr. Butterfly.” But does that mean the true gender of Song Liling--or Gallimard himself?

Is fantasy the ultimate disguise? Or the ultimate identity? Theatregoers may leave this play discussing these questions, among many others.

“If a play gives us some juicy things to think about, to ponder, and perhaps change us a bit,” Thomas said, “then that’s a wonderful and successful evening of theatre. I think this play does that.”

But because of adult themes and two scenes involving nudity, Thomas suggests “this play is for high school age and up.”

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